primary energy factors of energy systems

the implementation of the 2000W society in the city of Zurich, the "SIA Energieausweis für Gebäude" and the information sheet "SIA Graue Energie" require data on environmental impacts of several energy systems

We compiled environmental impact factors of several energy and transport systems. They cover the cumulative energy demand, greenhouse gas emissions and eco-points according to the ecological scarcity method 2013.

The list includes heating energy systems such as light fuel oil, natural gas, propane/butane, wood logs, wood pellets, wood chips, and biogas, motor fuels such as diesel, petrol, natural gas, kerosene and biogas. Furthermore, different district heating systems, namely district heat stations, waste incineration plants, cogens, and different district heat mixes are considered. Environmental impact factors are furthermore provided for electricity supply mixes and for individual power plant technologies.

The factors were first published in 2008 and have been updated regularly since then. The 2016 factors are used in the KBOB recommendation 2009/1:2016 Ökobilanzdaten im Bauberich (life cycle assessment data in the construction sector), available for download on the eco-bau website.

Calculate the environmental impacts of your electricity mix, district heat mix, heat pump including the corresponding electricity mix and of various transport services with our calculators which are based on the studies listed below.


downloads and references

Stolz P. and Frischknecht R. (2017) Umweltkennwerte und Primärenergiefaktoren von Energiesystemen. KBOB-Ökobilanzdatenbestand v2.2:2016, Stand 2016. treeze Ltd., commissioned by Koordinationskonferenz der Bau- und Liegenschaftsorgane der öffentlichen Bauherren KBOB, Uster, CH

Stolz P. and Frischknecht R. (2017) Umweltkennwerte und Primärenergiefaktoren von Transportsystemen. KBOB-Ökobilanzdatenbestand v2.2:2016, Stand 2016. treeze Ltd., commissioned by Koordinationskonferenz der Bau- und Liegenschaftsorgane der öffentlichen Bauherren KBOB, Uster, CH

Wyss F. and Frischknecht R. (2013) Life Cycle Assessment of Electricity Mixes according to the Energy Strategy  2050 , treeze Ltd, Uster, commissioned by Amt für Hochbauten der Stadt Zürich, Zürich, CH