
Updated life cycle inventories of transport services

Mobility is one of the most important contributors to the environmental impacts in Switzerland. Most of the life cycle inventories of transport services were compiled ten or more years ago. In a recent project commissioned by SBB, BFE, BAFU, Swisscom and öbu, treeze updated and extended the life cycle inventories of road and non-road, rail, air and water transport services. The latest available data were used to determine the energy consumption and the direct emissions and to calculate the demand of vehicle and infrastructure. The newly created and updated processes were linked to KBOB life cycle inventory data v2.2:2016, which are based on ecoinvent data v2.2. The life cycle inventories are transparently documented in four publicly available reports.

The environmental indicator results of passenger and freight transport services were calculated with the most recent impact assessment methods and compiled in the mobitool-Faktoren v2.0 (in German). This interactive Excel worksheet contains the environmental indicator results (e.g. UBP’13 according to the ecological scarcity method 2013, cumulative energy demand, greenhouse gas emissions) of approximately 150 different means of transport. The parameters load factor, fuel demand, vehicle weight, battery weight (for battery electric vehicles) and electricity mix strongly influence the environmental impacts of transport services and can be adjusted by the user to a specific situation. The environmental indicator results of the direct operation of the vehicle, the fuel or electricity supply, vehicle maintenance, vehicle construction and disposal as well as infrastructure construction and decommissioning are shown separately. The tank-to-wheel and well-to-wheel cumulative energy demand and the greenhouse gas emissions were also calculated according to DIN EN 16258. The mobitool-Faktoren v2.0 are described in detail in a background report (in German). All updated and newly created life cycle inventories of transport processes as well as the mobitool-Faktoren v2.0 were reviewed by Christian Bauer from the Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI).

More information on mobitool and further tools for the assessment of the environmental impacts of mobility services are available on

The energy label for passenger cars relies on primary energy factors and greenhouse gas emissions of fuel consumption and supply. treeze updated and published the life cycle inventory data related to the fuel supply, including hydrogen used in the latest version of the energy label ordinance.

downloads and references

Frischknecht R., Krebs L. (2021) Life Cycle Inventories of Air Transport Services; Update and Completion 2021. treeze Ltd., Uster, CH.

Stolz P., Tschümperlin L., Frischknecht R. (2018) Energieetikette für Personenwagen: Umweltkennwerte 2018 der Strom- und Treibstoffbereitstellung, treeze Ltd., Uster, CH.

Tschümperlin L., Frischknecht R. (2017) Ökobilanz von Wasserstoff als Treibstoff - Aktualisierung 2017, treeze Ltd., Uster, CH.

Stolz P., Frischknecht R., (2017) Energieetikette für Personenwagen: Umweltkennwerte 2017 der Strom- und Treibstoffbereitstellung, treeze Ltd., Uster, CH.

Stolz P., Messmer A., Frischknecht R. (2016) Life Cycle Inventories of Road and Non-Road Transport Services. treeze Ltd., Uster, CH.

Messmer A., Frischknecht R. (2016) Life Cycle Inventories of Rail Transport Services. treeze Ltd., Uster, CH.

Messmer A., Frischknecht R. (2016) Life Cycle Inventories of Air Transport Services. treeze Ltd., Uster, CH.

Messmer A., Frischknecht R. (2016) Life Cycle Inventories of Water Transport Services. treeze Ltd., Uster, CH.

Stolz P., Messmer A., Frischknecht R. (2016) mobitool-Faktoren v2.0: Umweltdaten und Emissionsfaktoren von mobitool. treeze Ltd., Uster, CH.

Frischknecht R., Messmer A., Stolz P., Tuchschmid M. (2016) mobitool-Grundlagenbericht: Hintergrund, Methodik & Emissionsfaktoren. treeze Ltd., Uster, CH.

Frischknecht R., Messmer A., Stolz P. (2016) mobitool-Faktoren v2.0: Frequently Asked Questions. treeze Ltd., Uster, CH.

Bauer C. (2017) Review - mobitool v2.0, Datengrundlagen: Fazit und Empfehlungen. Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen, CH.